Tuesday, 25 March 2025

A Bit Of Burn Out

 Argh, what a couple of weeks I've had. It really feels like I haven't stopped and looking back I don't think I have. 

Until Saturday afternoon! I wasn't feeling my best on Friday, but had about £1200 worth of timber turning up and I have to carry each piece up the drive by myself as the lorry can't get up our drive. I had stupidly taken on another job which needed to be done that day as well (it was for a charity and someone local - more on that in another post later). By the end of the day I was feeling a bit broken, I cooked tea, ate it and went to bed. 

The next day I woke and felt terrible. Body hot and cold. Unfortunately it was also the day of a big organised scout hike here on the hills (900 scouts). If I dropped out our scouts and cubs (about 8 in our group) wouldn't be able to do it as I'm the first aider. So I forced myself up, the children got everything ready, did all the chores and made our lunches, whilst I hid under a blanket in the sitting room. Then we walked to the scout hut and set off on the 12km walk over the hills. By the end I was dragging my feet fairish. I'd felt worse and worse through the day. The children were great though and kept checking I was okay. 

We got back, got our badges, and then walked home again, I got in the house, climbed into bed fully clothed and fell asleep. My sleep was fitful, I was too hot, too cold, changed my shirt three times, but I basically didn't get up until Sunday night, and then only for an hour. Monday I managed to eat some food and get up in the afternoon, and today I've been up most of the day, although I've had no energy whatsoever, I did manage to pick the children up though! 

Some of our friends (really brilliant friends) picked up the children for school and then picked them up again yesterday which made everything a bit more possible as I lay in my pit of despair! 

I'm hoping I'll start to feel a bit better tomorrow! 

There is a bug going round, so maybe it's a combination of that, along with a bit of exhaustion that's made me feel so run down. I don't think the big long walk helped either, but I really didn't want to let down a load of our scouts and cubs. 

I always really struggle when I'm ill, my life is so active and I am so full of energy that people wonder how I do what I do at times, and I don't get ill often, I keep myself fit and healthy and eat good food and so far I've had good luck (which is probably the biggest factor to being healthy), but when I go down I tend to go down hard! And I really hate not being able to do what I usually can.

My wife has been amazing and the children as well, went into the greenhouse to see my eldest had watered and tended for all the plants, she's going out each day to listen to her audio book, and doing gardening at the same time!

That first night as I was lay there feeling terrible, my boy came in at his bedtime and hugged me "If you need anything in the night daddy, just give me a shout..." 


  1. That boy is wonderful. Like his dad.

    1. ah thank you - when he said it I did tear up a bit - I'm an emotional old fool!

  2. My wife would roll her eyes and tell me I had the "manflu". But from one man to another, I'm sympathetic and hope you get to feeling better soon.

  3. Glad you are feeling better. You have raised amazing children.


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