Friday, 17 January 2025

Pizza Oven In January

We have a few birthdays in in January, the youngest had a few friends over at the weekend for a sleepover - although they were up at 4 so I'm not sure much sleeping happened! 

 We fired up the pizza oven for feeding them. It was frosty and cold outside, but I much preferred standing out there, cooking the pizzas, to being inside with the noise and chaos!

I love cooking in this oven, firing it up and getting it to the right temperature, tending to it. It's great fun, and nothing else tastes the same compared to something cooked like this. 

I need to make a door for it and experiment a bit more with cooking bread really. 

It's nice to fire it in the winter and get the oven to dry out a little bit. There's only really one big crack in it that only opens when it's hot. I'm surprised at how well it's lasted. 

1 comment:

  1. Why don't you do clay oven making days Kev? I saw one advertised recently and they were charging 100 Euros per head.


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