
Saturday, 11 January 2025

Moving Beehives - But Not Far

 So The two hives that have bees in were set up very quickly last year when we caught the swarms. 

The weren't quite level or completely stable though. Nothing much, but enough to annoy me. 

I decided that as it was cooler and the bees were all in their hives I would put some slabs down and try to get them level and stable. 

I made three spots for two full hives and one empty one. I moved the one hive, just a few feet back, but the bees were not happy about it! So I've left moving the second one until I'm suited and giving them their treatment for varroa in a few days time, no point up setting them too much. 

It's a really nice area in the coppice where they are, and I think they should thrive there next year hopefully. 


  1. Replies
    1. Yeah, always a useful tool! I do quite enjoy using it for jobs like this.

  2. We always used a pair of concrete cinder blocks for the base of all our hives. Their weight ensured that they wouldn't tip over and provided a nice stable platform for the hive.

    1. Yeah, concrete blocks would work well for it, but the hollow ones that are used in the states a lot are no longer very popular over here so quite hard to get hold of, mainly solid ones here now.

  3. I have oft thought about having a Bee hive, a friend of sometime ago had several and I could spend hours watching their comings and goings. Perhaps now I am finally sorting my own garden (only been here 6 years to date!) I will finally give a home to one.
