Sunday, 26 January 2025


This month our eldest turned 13! In all honesty it's made me feel rather old. 

We asked her how she wanted to celebrate and she suggested a camp out with her friends. I have to say I wasn't that keen on camping outside so I suggested a compromise. We'd camp in the scout hut. 

 There's not many advantages to being a scout leader, but using the scout hut when we want to is one of them! 

So she invited seven (yes seven!) friends round. 

For the food we lit a fire and they cooked sausages (we'd blind baked them first to remove any risks of food poisoning from under cooking) and made hotdogs. hey then had marshmallows and smores. 

We got them to set up the tents in the hut after they'd played dodgeball for a bit. It was fairly obvious which ones camped and which didn't! We had to use duct tape for the guy ropes. 

My wife and I also had separate tents as well. It's fair to say we didn't get much sleep. The floor in there was cold, even with sleeping mats, and the girls certainly liked to talk - a lot! We told them off at one, and then two...

The next morning I cooked an industrial amount of bacon and we had birthday cake as well! 

I'd say it was great fun and they all seemed to really enjoy it. Our teenage daughter was happy, so that's the main thing. The rest of that Sunday we all took it a little easy...


  1. Air B and B for Scouts and there parents. Have you ever stayed in a Bunkhouse? We once did in Derbyshire. Tiled floors, plastic mattresses on the bunks and basic cooking and washing facilities. Perhaps you could build one?. What do you think of polycrubs?

  2. The things we do as parents for our children!


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