
Monday, 16 December 2024

Last Push For Christmas

 So I'm in the last push for Christmas. The weekend was spent solely in the workshop, making up as much stock as I could. Assembling baskets that I made the parts for earlier in the week and then making a batch of my gooseberry scoops

The gooseberry scoops have sold well this winter, I guess they make a good unusual present to buy a gardener, I'm certainly glad to have their sales, and I hope it brings a few smiles on Christmas morning.

What's the most unusual gift you've been given? One where it took you a while to work out what it was? 


  1. Back in the day, our family had a Christmas bingo gift exchange. We piled all the presents up in the middle, played Bingo for a set amount of time with winners getting to get a gift from the middle or steal a gift from someone when the middle ones were all gone. Heavy gifts were usually the most desirable. My eldest daughter won it one year which turned out to be a picture of my brother (staring intently into the camera) taped to a large piece of clay tile. She had that picture on her bedside table for many years staring back at her.

    1. Haha! I love that! Reminds me of when I'd just left home and had some passport photos done. for some reason they sent me dozens of the photos back, So I hid and stuck them everywhere in my brothers room, he was finding them for months afterwards.

  2. Not sure about unusual gifts that I've received but I did purchase a rather nicer ledger fishing rod for my ex-wife!
    Love the gooseberry scopes by the way, great idea.
