
Monday, 25 November 2024

Batches Before Christmas

It seems to happen this time every year (for the ones where I've been running this business anyway).

Whatever I'm running low on stock wise will be what I sell out of! Last week it was toolboxes!

So I made another batch and got them listed again on my Etsy shop. I'm hoping I won't run out of anything now up until Christmas, but I might have to make a few more batches of baskets to keep up. I hope I do in all honesty as it means more sales! 

It's quite a busy week this time, with two talks booked in (Tuesday and Thursday night), plus a magazine article that was in today and one in next Monday! So should be plenty to keep me moving! 



  1. It must be much easier to have a production line of one item, quicker too.

    1. Yeah, to repeat one task is faster, like a factory, but it does dull the mind a bit, so I have to find a balance.

  2. That is what we refer to as "a good problem to have."

    1. Yeah! It's great really as it keeps life flexible.

  3. I can imagine a system is so much easier - and indeed, a good problem to have.

    1. Yeah, I'm good at figuring out the best way to do something multiple times I think. the workshop is very much set up for it now.
