Sunday 15 September 2024

Visiting A Garden

 Last Thursday I took mum for a morning out to see a local garden that houses the National Collection of Michaelmas Daises. I've always been meaning to have a look round so it was really love to take mum. 

Now although I love flowers and plants there was a few things that I really loved in this garden, things that stuck out to me. 

The first was this beautiful potting shed. The colour of it, the rusty tin roof, it just looks so "right" in the garden, I love it! 

The second was this seating area, I'd love to build something like this. Maybe one for a future magazine article! Just stunning really. 

These very utilitarian cold frames I also love. Function over style, yet they still seem to fit and look right, probably due to their weathering. 

And last was this little bug hotel. the roof is just perfect for it. 

What's your favourite feature of the four?


  1. I vote bug hotel.

    My wife (The Ravishing Mrs. TB) likes visiting horticulture gardens when she travels. I must admit seeing such application of gardening is quite encouraging and makes me strive to do more.

  2. I love the rusty patina on the corrugated tin roof.

  3. My choice is the potting shed. Like you, I think it fits the area perfectly!

  4. The potting shed and the seat are both lovely.


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