Saturday 7 September 2024

Outdoor Tomatoes

Ever since leaving our last house, I've never really grown good tomatoes outside. 

That house had a suntrap garden, with white brick walls I used to grow them up against. They'd often do better there than in the greenhouse (which was a little shaded).

This year I thought I'd have another go outside here, having failed in the past. I planted two types, one Primabella, is a late blight resistant tomato that I you can save the seed from. The other is Crimson Crush, also blight resistant but an F1 (so no seed saving) and also not the most tasty tomato you will ever eat, but still streets above the supermarket ones. 

The idea was to keep them small. I was probably a little late in pruning them, and that's probably why they're only just cropping now. But they're looking healthy and starting to crop well. 


I grew them through plastic, and used some dried willow stakes to hold them up. I'm honestly thinking I might just grow dwarf types next year as I'm so slack at pruning them at times. 

Who else is growing tomatoes outdoors this year?

How much luck have you had?


  1. A smaller crop than usual but very tasty.

  2. I'm growing Crimson Crush as well - not quite ready yet but getting there, it's in pots outside my back wall where it's nice and warm. No problems with them at all. Also growing a mini plum tomato from the seed of one I had last year, which was also seed from some mini plums bought in Tesco, can't even remember the name now. Also in outdoor pots, they are so unbelievably sweet and tasty, I'll keep the seed again and carry on growing them, they don't seem to be bothered by blight or anything else.

  3. Grow some outside every year crimson cherry F1 blight resistant. We've been picking for about a month, plants look a mess but tomato's great sweet flavour.


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