
Wednesday 18 September 2024

Making A National Super From Scratch

 A part of beekeeping that really excites me is making a lot of the things I need from scratch. Last week I got my new router table organised and I thought I'd have a mess around with it.

The first thing I made was a super for a national hive. This is the box you put on the hive when it's producing lots of honey. Hopefully I'll need lots of them!

The national hive is quite tricky to make as it has strengthening bars across it, causing some extra work in it's construction. I decided to use dominos, to simplify things, but also provide the strength needed. 

It was a fun project and I've got big plans to make lots more equipment coming up. Probably beginning with nucs and then making some full sized hives. 

I know sometimes it's cheaper to buy than make yourself when it comes to beekeeping - but who else likes to build their own?

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure I've ever built anything out of wood that wasn't cheaper to buy. We do it for the pleasure and beauty.
