Sunday 30 June 2024

2 Magazine Articles This Month

 I'm not very good at posting all the articles I write on here, and I should do it each month. 

I've jut had the two regular ones I write for published (while currently writing two more), it's always great to seem them on paper, especially as they take a fair bit of effort to get out into the world (not just mine). 

The first is in Woodworking Crafts magazine, it's my three bay "rat Proof" composter. 

I've loved using this compost bin, although I must admit that I've not done as much gardening as I should have the last month as work wise I've been ridiculously busy. 

The second is...

....In Woodcarving magazine. As a carved sword for my son. After a trip to Warwick castle and not wanting to spend a fortune on all the stuff they sell there. 

I thought it was a really fun project to carve the sword and make it something he would love swinging around his head!

The best bit of writing for a magazine is that it pushes me to create projects I wouldn't find the time for normally, and I think these two projects show that. No way would I have found the time to carve a sword, but it's a really fun item, and the compost bins I needed desperately but I just wouldn't give myself the time to do it! 

1 comment:

  1. That is great Kev, congratulations! I, of course, am partial to the sword...


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