
Thursday, 5 May 2022

End Of "Flockdown"

 The joy it brings me to have my chickens outside again during the day can't be understated. 

Part of me wants to rant about shed of 40,000 birds being the reason we have to have these restrictions. But to be honest I'm just happy they can all be out and about, eating a more natural diet and enjoying themselves.

I think the first day they were out I've never heard them being noisier! And they went everywhere, not sticking by their pens like I thought they would. Already had to tell two off that were in my workshop!

I know there is a far greater chance of predators, but I do just love having them outside. 

Who else loves seeing their chickens free range?


  1. Our chooks can no longer free range, as we have a neighborhood dog who frequents our block and almost killed our rooster last fall. We bought what I call a "grazing tractor" so that they can enjoy other parts of the property while being safely locked inside. It's not ideal, but it gives me peace of mind, knowing they are safe.
    Glad your girls can enjoy themselves!

    1. Ah dogs can be a nightmare when they're like that. Its the reason we fenced off the footpath here

  2. Ours were let out for the first time this spring just this past week. They have their good-sized pasture to roam in but we have to keep an eye on them because the electric fence that surrounds their new-found freedom is still non-working because of the snow it remains in. And just like your chickens, the first day they were out they had a lot of noisy conversation with each other!

    1. we still have predators but I'm here most of the time so not so bad. I'm sure I'll loose a few.

  3. My bro reckons he has a contract with his hens, they are free to roam as long as they lay their eggs in the nest boxes. We don't have foxes in NZ.

    1. I keep finding eggs everywhere this week. Maybe I need this contract.

  4. Hens and apple blossom. It must be Spring?

  5. Kev, when we had them we never could let the free range due to chicken hawks - but I agree there is nothing happier than a chicken fresh out of confinement!

    1. Ah no - death from above! I'm sure I've lost a few to flying things over the years (buzards) but haven't seen one lately. they all cluck and hide when one comes over.

  6. OMG KEV! I have just found mares tail coming up in a pot that I have a tree sapling growing in. the dirt is that bloody supagrow organic compost! I have not only found chunks of plastic, bits of black plastic bag I have found glass. But now! This is the bloody last straw. Mares bloody tail! be aware of your pots

    1. No! That is supposed to be horrible to get rid of (impossible I've been told). I will keep a close eye out for it and make sure it doesn't get hold if it's there. I really hope it's not though - I have enough weeds to deal with!

    2. vigilance! i have my eye on each pot. in the autumn i will empty all my pots and bare root plant my trees and cuttings! I am so mad
