Monday, 5 August 2019

Friendly Soap Giveaway!

#### This is a Collaborative post ####

My first ever giveaway post!!

My wife an I were talking the other day and we realised it is over 7 years now since I have brought any shampoo. In this time I have just been using a bar of soap.

And just lately I've been using a bar that I've really fallen in love with.

My hair is short so doesn't take much washing, I think of all the plastic I've saved over the years from not having shampoo or shower gel bottles. I've never liked shower gel anyway, I remember when I was a teenager and it was fashionable to use shower gel not soap (lynx stinky stuff) and I still just liked to use plain soap, and spray deodorant was popular where I liked roll on, I found that spray doesn't work if you're working hard.

A while a go I switched from the cheap soap you buy in cheaper supermarkets because they're wrapped in plastic lined card, I wanted to try and go even more plastic free if I could.

That's when I stumbled upon Friendly Soap and in particular their lemongrass and hemp soap. Smells always conjure up strong memories for me and this one always takes me straight back to our honeymoon in Thailand ten years ago (although for legal reasons I should state it's the lemongrass side of the soap that brings up the memories, not the hemp part!).

So I've been using these bars for a while now and I've been really happy with them. I see that they do shampoo bars as well, but i find the soap washes my hair just fine.

I got sent a large selection box of their popular soaps to giveaway to one lucky reader, although I'm already a bit jealous of this! The box smells amazing every time I walk by it and there's lots in there I'm yet to try. The Rosemary and Lime detox bar sounds great for when I've been in the workshop all day and I'd love to see the difference a shampoo bar makes compared to normal soap.

To enter the giveaway is dead easy, just click on the link below and enter your details. I won't be saving any details after the competition. 

I'm going to limit the competition to UK only just because of postage so I apologise to anyone further away!


  1. Thank you, I have entered, we were talking just this weekend about trying soap again, to lower our plastic consumption.

  2. We also remained unfashionable and have always used soap --- never really got on with shower gel. We've successfully tried bar shampoo and conditioner before, but haven't tried a shaving bar.

  3. I've entered, thanks for the opportunity.

    I've been trying to move away from plastics myself over the last year, but I'm really upping my game at the moment. I too have short hair and although I've been using shampoo I buy it in a great big dispenser bottle and I tend to use it only every other day, although I do wash my hair every day (washing it in just water the day in between).

    From a stock of about 12 bottles of shower gel we are down to about 2 ... and that's been over the course of over a year, when these are gone they will not be being replaced. Soap has been in use in our house for a long time now, hence the shower gels lasting so long.

  4. As a family we are always trying to cut down on plastic waste, these soaps sound amazing. My husband also just likes soap,so gift sets of smellies are left out for visitors, who think we are so generous!!

  5. What a fabulous giveaway! It looks like the box covers many needs. Enjoy, whoever wins!!

  6. I always use bar soap now and I'm just moving to using bar shampoo full time too. I wonder what the difference is?

  7. I love to use soap instead of shower gel, mainly because it has so much less packaging, so this prize would be great for me to win. I've also just bought a soap saver for all those little end bits that are too small to use, so this would be a great way to try it out and see if it works.

  8. The soap looks amazing, and what a great thing not to wrap it in plastic.

    After one of your posts I wondered what the reaction would be if I went in one of my local stores with my own containers. Probably send me to the funny farm!


  9. I like the scent combinations you've mentioned. It must be a fragrant shower with these bars every time.

  10. I have just changed to using a shampoo bar instead of one in a plastic bottle. Just as good.

  11. The soaps look heavenly! What a generous giveaway. Like many people I'm going plastic free as much as I can. It's great to read of small businesses which are providing helpful solutions.


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