Our children often imitate us, it's how they learn.
Sometimes I worry about what they'll learn from me, it's impossible to be how you want to be around these little people all the time. When I loose my temper or shout I often wonder what they have just learnt or how I could have handled the situation better.
Days later I might hear them use a phrase and think to myself that's not what I want them saying or thinking.
But then there are times when I think that they see and copy something really positive.

This morning is a perfect example of that. I help run our local playgroup on a Monday, my son comes along and helps set up and pack away whilst playing with his friends. Part of the routine is we put out snack for the children and then they all sit round and whilst they're eating I read them a story that I bring along.
I love being a man in a playgroup like this, I think it's great for the kids to see a man doing this role and also I love reading children a story (I'm strict on the parents and don't allow talking either!)
But when I finished today I went to take something back to the kitchen and when I came back my son was sat on my chair, in front of all the children, with a story book that we was "reading" to them all.
I was so proud of him, my heart melted a little bit! Such a strong little character, I know he'll go far.