
Saturday 25 March 2017

Making Brioche Burger Buns & Burgers

On Thursday we were confined to the house really. The weather was rubbish and my eldest was poorly.
So I decided to keep my middle one entertained we'd make some rolls. After a trip to an amazing burger joint a few weeks ago I'd got a hankering for some brioche buns to make some epic burgers and I'd been given a recipe I wanted to try.
I did make one fairly large mistake at the beginning. I didn't pay attention to the amount I was making. I made the flying sponge (the bit that gets the yeast working early on) and thought, wow that's quite a bit to make. 
Turns out when I started to look at the other ingredients I was looking at bakery quantities. Turns out I made enough for 4 dozen rolls! 
Never mind. 
My biggest problem was not having a mixing bowl big enough! In the end we used my big preserving pan. You can see in the video above how near to the top that was. It makes me laugh when parents set out "messy activities" for their kids, just make them work for their food, they'll get messy in the process! 
So after an hour we added the flying sponge to all the other ingredients and luckily for me I had a really good little helper who was keen to mix the mixture and then knead the dough. 
I gave her about 1/5 of the dough and she kneaded right through to where it needed to be, I didn't help her at all but you could tell she'd done it enough because the dough started to look smooth and just felt right. 
 I was impressed with her because she's only three and she stuck at it for well over half an hour and didn't moan once . 
I split the dough into two big bits and worked it at the same time. Sometimes I'd slap it down on her hands and she's laugh her head off! 
It then rested for 45 minutes and I set about making it into rolls. A great tip I learnt on the bread making course was to weigh out the rolls so they're the same size, it doesn't take long and it's much better if they're uniform. 
I rolled these out and set them on baking trays. Most went into the freezer like this and were then put into freezer bags to be enjoyed at a BBQ in the near future (hopefully!).

I kept eight back for tea, covered them with an egg glaze and sesame seeds before leaving them to prove and cooking them. 

 They looked amazing when cooked!
So we couldn't have homemade buns with out homemade burgers so we got some beef I minced last year out of the freezer and made up 1/4 lb patties with a burger mould I've got. My little girls didn't mind this at all and was straight in there making them all for us! Just beef in the patties and seasoned before I cooked them in a hot pan. 
I cooked them medium so they were still juicy and I have to blow my own trumpet and say they were amazing. I'm not normally a fan of something sweet with savoury but these buns are only ever so slightly sweet and really work with the meat. 
Can't wait to have a BBQ now - we've got a few rolls to get through, only another 40 in the freezer - good job we liked them (I also made 8 other rolls from another batch of dough that day so 56 made in total!)

Anyone else make burger buns like these?

Anyone ever started a recipe and realised that the quantities were huge and made far too many?


  1. Yum Kev, and what a treat days for the girls....

    1. This was a stay at home, wet, not go outside sort of a day really!

  2. I'm sure your buns tasted as good as they looked, but the way you have with your children is priceless! (Talk about being up to your elbows in cooking!!)

    1. It was so funny how deep she put her hands in, we were laughing for ages!

  3. Yep, dough can go in the freezer, I did it once with pizza dough though and when it defrosted, the yeast went crazy and I could have kept dominos going for a couple of hrs I reckon lol

  4. Wow they look so good! Can I echo Marlene and ask for the recipe, please? And your daughter does so well :-)

    1. Watch this space - hopefully he won't mind me sharing it!

  5. The buns looks so delicious Kev! That's one thing that I really want to try soon, making my own hamburger buns. Your burger looks so yummy! I would have loaded the cheese and bacon on it for me though :)

    1. These had cheese but no bacon, the freezer is full of lamb and beef so that's what we're sticking to at the moment!

  6. I LOOOOOVE brioche and they look yummy.

  7. Yep, I've done both those things! Once you've made your own buns, it's really hard to go back. I freeze them after baking, too. It's nice having a stash of them in the freezer.

    1. Yeah, my freezers are full of my homemade bread, ready to go. I make a lot of focaccia and freeze it as it's a meal ready to go when my wife is running late in the morning!

  8. FOUR DOZEN?!?! Good on you! And the video is fantastic, your daughter will cherish those memories forever. You have inspired me again to make more different breads Kev. My husband thanks you.

    1. Go big or go home! The baking hobby has many bennifits, although not so good on my weight!

  9. Very impressed with your homemade brioche buns! It's even more impressive how you involve your little girl at a very early age to learn a skill...that's real patience and care a parent can give. Teaching children in the kitchen -in reality- slows everything down...but you choose to invest:) Well done Kev:)

    1. The trick to looking after my daughter is to keep her busy, she loves helping and that's when she's happiest and easiest! I love having them with me and helping me do job. I love it when I kiss them goodnight and thank them for helping me and they both say "you're welcome daddy" with big smiles on their faces!

  10. I've asked the baker that gave me the recipe if it's okay to pass it on, so just waiting a reply! Watch this space!
    As for freezing dough I hope it works as I have a lot in the freezer!
