
Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Ground Layering Fig Trees

We've got some friends in the village who live on a beautiful old estate full of amazing trees and buildings. When we first went round a year or so ago I noticed a huge fig tree/bush against a shed opposite their house and asked if I could try an make a fig tree or two of my own from it.
A lrage fig tree with loads of fruit
 The cuttings I took from my mums last year are doing well but I thought a few more fig trees won't hurt (and if it comes to it I can always sell them if I have too many!).
Stripping the branch
 The first thing i did was to find some low down branches with no fruit on. I then stripped away some of the leaves, leaving around three on the end. Then I scrapped away some of the outside layer of the branch, the plan being that this is where the roots will start to grow from.

Pinning the branch in the ground
I dug a little hole and pinned this branch to the bottom of it. Filled up, the plan to leave it for a few months at least to create some roots. The bamboo cane is so I can find them and to stop the mower from cutting them off
Covered over - waiting for some rain on it now!
I did five of these so I'll let you know in a few months time if any have taken!
The next tree I want to propagate from is their mulberry tree, so any advice for that one will be appreciated!


  1. Well, if you need help eating the figs...
    Jane x

    1. Nope! but I do need slowing down due to some of their effects...

  2. We've been trying to do this - unsuccessfully at the moment. But we'll persevere, my Lovely Hubby adores Figs and it would be good to make a few new bushes to move to our new house with.

    1. When you get your new place I'll send you some cuttings up that you can leave in over winter if you want!

    2. That would be wonderful in the meantime we'll keep persevering, maybe if I have a go it will work. LH just has not got green fingers everything he touches dies or just doesn't work.

  3. I'll be interested to see if this works, actually quite tempted to run outside and just try it for myself.

    1. Go for it! I like your blog by the way. I'm keen on all things fruit!

  4. Replies
    1. So do I. Next thing to try is air layering but I might do that with the mulberry tree...

  5. Any idea what the type of fig it is ?
